
Pull Requests Welcome



A growing utilities package for working with arrays in Typescript. We are open for contribution!

🎓 Install

Just use npm install, yarn add or pnpm install, it's your choice. The package name is: @dream-bit/array-utils

📄 Docs

You will find all necessary information about the classes and functions in their own documentation. Docs: https://dream-bit-de.github.io/dream-bit-utils/libs/array-utils/docs/

🎉 Short Description of classes or functions

name short description
getRandomElementFromArray Will return a random element inside any given array.
scaleArrayByFactor This function will scale any given 2-dimensional array this will be scaled, this will be scaled by a given factor. <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/a/49640959/4457744">Inspired by Stackoverflow Answer</a>
shuffleArray The de-facto unbiased shuffle algorithm is the Fisher-Yates (aka Knuth) Shuffle.

⭐ contributing

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You want to help us, and join the Dream-bit Community? Great! Please make sure to check out and understand what is written in the following files:


Thank you for your time and effort ♥.

😊 About Dream-bit

At dream-bit we do the right thing for no reason all the time. In other words that means: Being a professional, which includes doing your homework, keeping our word, cleaning up messes, honoring relationships with clients and employees.

You can see more about our work on our website: https://dream-bit.de/ We are hiring, read more here: https://dream-bit.de/your-future

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